Christmas is approaching and here in Verbier we are preparing for the busy holiday period. Over the last two weeks we have received a good amount of snow and last week it has been sunny in the resort.
Current snow conditions Verbier
The end of November brought us what we needed- half a meter of fresh snow. Televerbier opened the lifts a week ago and it has been fun getting back on the pistes in Verbier. The Mont Fort sector opened today and the snow higher up is very good. However, some large crevasses have opened up after the hot summer here in Switzerland, so make sure if skiing this area don’t venture off the piste.
At the moment you can ski on Mont Fort, La Chaux, Lac des Vaux and Attelas-Ruinettes. The snow base is 40 cm on Gentianes, 30 cm on Ruinettes and 12 cm in Verbier.
Weather forecast
At the moment the temperature is a little bit higher than the seasonal average. Next week will be sunny again and there are some predictions of heavy snow fall mid-December. We definitely need one more dump before Christmas, so we will keep our fingers crossed.
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